Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Evolving Definition of Instructional Design and the Role of Technology In It

What I have summated from our reading as a definition of instructional design that has evolved from the beginning of the 1900s until now can be described as a systematic process that includes the design and development of learning practice that facilitates learning and improves performance while providing opportunities to create, utilize what learned and manage what is being learned. Both the focus on systematic processes and use of technological resources are integral to the field. The use of media in this process is to provide a way for both better instruction, but, of more emphasis, EFFECTIVE learning.

I noted the continuing impact of the empirical approach strongly evident in today’s overreaching data driven educational system. Data is collected regarding effectiveness and materials and procedures are revised according to weaknesses identified through data; hence, the continued “testing” both daily/weekly/monthly and standardized testing our students are exposed to. I am concerned about the confluence of this practice with the influence of a more Constructivist approach which values individual development within the authentic experience of applying skills in context. I think a balance is still to be found.

It’s been so long that I completed my undergrad, that reading B.F. Skinner’s concept of behaviorism and the impact on the programmed instruction movement brought me back to my instructional design classes in my Education program. The idea of what is accepted as good lesson design including that which analyzes a task, creates appropriate objectives based on desired student outcome and criterion referenced assessment that measures achievement based on individual’s behavior is so embedded in me as an educator that I rarely have reflected on the origin of this as of late.  It’s interesting to reflect on how this still seems to be applicable instructional design within the 21st century immersion in technology. The question is how to most effectively use this technology as not just a vehicle in HOW instruction is presented but as how it can impact and transform student learning in becoming more effective.

Considering the Application Question on page 28 in our book, teachers struggle to effectively (and innovatively) incorporate technological resources into instruction because of a few reasons, reasons I have witnessed in my own school setting and have personally experienced.  First and foremost is a teacher’s hesitancy (and sometimes flat out refusal) to incorporate new technologies. Many teachers have been using methods, many found to be effective over the years, and are resistant to incorporating something of which they have no experience with. It’s challenging to envision how successful a new technology can be when one has nothing to compare to. Why would a teacher “trade” what he or she knows to have “worked” for a new approach that, seemingly, has little experience being “test-proofed” in the field? This is where effective, committed, realistic training needs to be provided by districts; NOT one shot workshops that present a new method, but quality, long term training that supports teachers and successful implementation. Of course, this costs money on top of the investment in the actual technology for teachers and students. If these new changes in how technology can transform and impact the way instruction is delivered and successfully impact student learning are going to happen, an investment in teacher support and learning needs to be committed to along with the investment in the actual technology.

While witnessing the “technological transformation” currently being encouraged in my district, I have carefully listened and watched the teachers as they are being influenced in transforming their classrooms into more project-based, collaborative environments in which technology is used in a variety of ways. Honestly, different ideas, strategies and technological applications appear to be thrown out piecemeal during this process leaving many teachers frustrated, unsure and left with diminishing confidence. In my estimation, many of our teachers cannot “envision” what our principal is encouraging. I have suggested we view videos of schools that embrace project based learning that embeds technology and collaboration. We could even take a field trip in order to illustrate an idea of this vision! It would also help to have an outline (task analysis!!) of skills our principal would like to develop in teachers that is presented and, subsequently developed formatively. The teachers could have more of an idea of what is being expected of them and be able to track personal achievement and what areas they are comfortable with and what areas they need more support in. This is all reflective of how we are influenced to design instruction in our classrooms; it only makes sense that we are provided instruction in a similar fashion to ensure more success.

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