Assume that you are trying to teach learners how to calculate and compare the unit costs
(e.g., price per ounce) of various sizes and/or brands of the same product.
Select three of the theories of learning discussed in this chapter. For each of
the three, describe the nature of the instructional activities that you would
design if you were adhering to that theory as you were planning the
environment that involves “feedback” and is considerate of HOW information
enters the mind and subsequent understanding and embedded learning. Learning
occurs when information is received through “senses” and processed through
short term memory while being “negotiated” into “long term” memory assisted
by integration with “prior knowledge” and “doing”.
is linked to a “situational” process that considers a learner’s personal
development and learning in context of a “community” (the practices and
understandings of…)
that occurs “inside out”. Meaning that “the learner actively imposes
organization and meaning on the surrounding environment and constructs
knowledge as a result” (Driscoll 2012)
Here, one
would break down the task into smaller ones. First of all, what is an
ounce?…what is the total of large units utilizing the measurement of an
ounce? How can you multiply these amounts with the cost of one ounce? What is
a resulting price? Cents vs. dollars? Can you apply this strategy amongst
items of various sizes? If you are
presented with examples of calculations figured for you at the beginning, can
you apply this knowledge in problems you construct?
Being that
the problem presented described products that could be distributed by the “unit
costs”, I have chosen lemonade. If
being sold in a lower income neighborhood, it may be sold for a reasonable
price of which passers by may be willing to pay. If set up in a neighborhood
of which people are influenced in purchasing by advertising and
attractiveness of display, people may be willing to pay more for this
considering both cost of product and “hype”.
are going to “reflect” what happens in the environment of which they are “situated”
when applying their own approach that indicates their engagement with their
approaches situation of calculating and comparing unit costs of object in
context of learning situation. Figures amounts of items being sold according
to individual cost. Measures choice of “figured” price of individual product
in reflection of what desired to profit according to price of producing
What are some ways
the ideas/concepts/principles discussed in this chapter could be applied in
your professional work? Do you see opportunities where these ideas could help
you or your students?
Regarding the concepts presented in Ch 14 and the idea of a “worker’s”
individual performance being evaluated according to the overall effectiveness
of an organization and its influence on the daily practice of an educator in
the classroom is not one that immediately “sat” well with me. I had to examine my immediate personal
assessment in reflection of the HPI/HPT definition of “valued accomplishment”
in reference to the overall success and viability of student achievement in
context of the values and objectives established according to an organization
(which the article prescribes) versus the individual (which I, as an educator,
tend to focus on).
I did comment in my notes how our school system may benefit from a
person in the position of a “Performance Consultant” (PC) to observe and
reflect on the “Organizational Effectiveness” (OE) of our school as long as
this was accepted as a “non-threatening” and “supportive” role in delivering
what we, as an organization, have deemed as desired instructional design and
resulting “performance” of our students in the pursuit of collective,
identified learning objectives. I
reflected on the fact that the closest “current” person in this kind of
“position” is most likely our principal, who, upon consideration, probably has
a variety of other factors to consider on a daily basis that may preclude a
practical focus on learning design.
Although I do value the idea of evaluating our “effectiveness” as an
organization (in my situation, a small rural Michigan school district educating
our community’s students), I hesitate in how this type of presented broad evaluation
is productively executed in consideration of our community’s individual
parameters, needs and objectives. The bottom line is we desire to apply local
control according to what we know for our community. It is the idea of “one
size fits all” and the overreaching idea that we, as educators, and our students can all be accountable to it
that unsettles me.
I believe that most educators are invested in what is “best” and “best
practice” for their students within their environment and desire to be
evaluated as such.
Reiser, R. and Dempsey, J. (2012). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson, Ch. 4 & 14