Sunday, June 30, 2013


Technology (from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia[1]) is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. (“Technology,” 2013)

Technological advances in our society have been an important, embedded factor in the natural and progressive growth of mankind (and the Wikipedia article quoted above states that certain animal species have developed technological tools and techniques, too). Our education system has been given the responsibility to create a learning environment in which all of our children can develop intellectually, socially and emotionally.

Reigeluth and Joseph (2002) make the argument that modern education needs to continue in the shift from the “sorting” influence reflecting a more “industrialized” influence on education to a “learning focused” paradigm of education in their article Beyond Technology Integration; The Case for Technology Transformation. This focus on “learning” emphasizes an individual’s ability to solve problems, think critically and work collaboratively in doing so. The role of technology in these areas has the ability to transform (as opposed to acting as a supplement or tool for integration) the process of learning in a way that individual student mastery of objectives can become more individually paced and structured. Students are more accountable in their learning, ideally self-monitoring their progress while teachers become more of a “guide” or “facilitator” rather than the keeper and dispenser of information.

Postman (1993) in his article Of Luddites, Learning and Life presents the question of “What is the problem to which this is the solution to?” when  analyzing the importance of the development and application of new technologies in education. He argues that often problems are invented to justify the use of new technologies (“Luddites”, para. 6). He also focuses on “machines” specifically in his definition of technology (“If I do harbor any hostility toward these machines, it is only because they are distractions.” “Luddites”, para. 3). He claims that these machines decrease an individual’s options in learning through the influence to get everyone to conform to the requirements of what is new (“Luddites”, para. 5), and that they divert the intelligence and energy of talented people from addressing the issues that are most needed to confront (“Luddites”, para. 3). These “issues” embrace not only the intellectual development of our students but also the need for our young people “to learn and how to behave as part of a community” (“Learning”, para. 3).

All authors read referenced the importance of students being able to process information and think critically. 

“Technology” cannot be delineated into the category of a “computer”. It includes tools, methods, processes, techniques, arrangements and procedures that are developed both individually and collaboratively. The creative thinking skill of “being able to consider” allows these technologies to evolve and develop in the process of “transforming” learning strategies that are more appropriate and beneficial to our students in the 21st century. Education is preparing students to no longer simply perform “rote” tasks but to be innovative in solving problems created and presented as a result of our current world and society. Our students will be working in many areas that will develop and define themselves as society progresses.

I agree that schools remain an important part of our society in helping to develop our young people both intellectually and socially. I also agree with Postman that our students need guidance in their ability to navigate the incredible amount of information that can be presented through new technologies. This requires our students to develop the necessary critical and creative thinking skills that give them necessary access to using technologies that develop within our society and used in education. Do new technologies “decrease” options? Options will always be there, but those that become more “efficient” will always “rise to the top”. Therefore, choices in approach become more of a lifestyle choice. For example, fire can still be started by rubbing two sticks together, but lighting a match can make the process a little easier.

With the advancement of new technologies and their transformational effect on education, encouraging a student’s ability to make choices and think independently is necessary. The development of these types of skills need to be developed alongside the use of new technologies and this is part of what can help “transform” education and help ensure student success. Learning environments need to be created in which students can make choices, work within “context”, persevere in solving problems confident in personal ability to approach them and work with others in sharing information and developing ideas and solutions. When this type of learning is facilitated and encouraged, technologies will naturally be used and even new ones created within the process. This IS what makes learning EXCITING!

I witness this process daily in my elementary Choice Based Art Studio. Students have the choice to work independently or collaboratively in 7 different studio centers creating art work based on generated ideas. Although students are provided with information and techniques to assist in art making, I observe new processes developed to “make something happen”. I’ve watched students develop “tools” to help in the creation of something.  I watch daily in the “Construction” center new structures, tools and objects created, often times functional. Note that I have NO computers, projectors, tablets (yet!!) in my art studio. “Technology” utilized by my students include techniques, systems, procedures and crafts used to solve the problems inherent in art making. Students are innovative in taking an “idea” and making something exist that didn’t before. During this process, choice is encouraged, discussed and valued; students pace themselves and persevere in overcoming obstacles by considering multiple solutions to problems before choosing one that works; students often work together both formally and informally in the process of problem solving and making. Students are given the freedom and time to attain what it is they are trying to achieve and given the opportunity to reflect on their process before, during and after they make. These processes are reflective of Reigeluth and Joseph’s (2002) vision of technology as a transformational part of a Learning Focused Paradigm of education that focuses on “attainment” vs. “time” and individual learning that can be achieved through problem based learning, project based learning, simulations, customized tutorials, peer assisted learning and self-regulation (p. 12).

It is a choice for education. We need to move forward and provide ALL our students what they need and deserve to be successful.

References (1861). Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 1 Jul 2013].
Postman, N. (1993). Of Luddites, Learning, and Life. Techos Quarterly, 2 (4).
Reigeluth, C. and Joseph, R. (2002). Beyond Technology Integration: The Case for Technology Transformation. Educational Technology, July-August 2002 pp. 9-12.

1 comment:

  1. In order to prepare students to be flexible, adaptive, and interdependent we will need to re-engineer the organizational design of learning.
